JUNKe Life

Living and Playing High…
December 10, 2006, 12:29 pm
Filed under: Stuff, Websites | Tags: ,

Yeppers!  Although I haven’t posted in awhile, I’m happy to say I’m still alive and kicking.  Winter blew in like a lion right on December 1st with what appears to be this winter’s first permanent snowfall.  And cold… brrrrrrr… it’s been freezing ever since.

I spent the fall doing various odd jobs.  Interviewing active injection drug users for a harm reduction survey, chopping and delivering fire wood, and presenting several workshops about drug using issues.  Got to travel a bit – first class on the trains (they still have an open bar and excellent meals), and nights in some pretty fancy hotels.  All expenses paid.  Can’t complain.

Drugs and professional sports.   It’s a given.   Remember hockey star Tim Horton?   Whose namesake now graces thousands of donut shops across the continent.  When he died in a car crash in ’67 he had speed and painkillers in his blood.   But that was covered up by the powers that be back then so he could remain a squeaky clean idol.  His wife took over the donut business and built it into an empire, yet she too was dependent upon prescription drugs.

I really enjoy computer games.  I’ve been amazed by them ever since I first played the original version of Quake which I found at a garage sale for a dollar.  By the way, its soundtrack is by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails.

Anyhow, my next game came from a pawn shop.  And proved to be the best bargin I’ve ever purchased.  For $20 in 2000 I got the original Half-Life and I’m still playing modified versions of it today.  It is absolutely incredible the number of games which Half-Life spawned.  Including my favourite which is Day of Defeat, a World War Two multiplayer.

I follow the gaming world a bit and came upon this  article about gaming and drugs   I’ve always thought a little hit of speed would increase one’s focus and intensity … but my speeding days are over and I can’t get into losing sleep just to find out.

Christmas is soon and it looks like we’ll have enough dope supply to keep us well through the myriad of family gatherings. It’s always a concern that we might be sick when we have to be at some dinner, so it’s a relief to have enough in hand to see us through the New Year. Our resolution, of course, is we’ll be clean before next year is through. Funny… that was last year’s resolution also.